Using the BCIO to specify all the key constructs in study protocols, including intervention components, outcomes, the study population etc., will:
- ensure that readers know exactly what you are referring to, and
- make everything in your protocol much easier to include in searches.
The procedure is relatively simple. Whenever you refer in the protocol to a construct that you want to 'ontologise' (link to an ontology entity) you:
- Go to the BCIO Search website
- Enter a term for the construct in the search box
- Review the entities that the website suggests for you and if there is one that meets your needs, click on that term to take you to the details of that entity.
- If there is no entity suggested that meets your needs, it might still exist in the ontology under a different label so choose an entity that seems to be in the right ballpark and view the details of that entity. Click on parent entities to see other options at the same level and review these.
- If there is no entity that meets your needs then use the contact details on this website to suggest a new